In challenging times like these, we recognise that it’s important to remain positive. We recommend using this time to your advantage so that you’re ready for when the season turns around. An essential component of any business is the people.
This fact sheet - a collaboration between CRDC, Cotton Australia, CSD, CottonInfo and Bayer - outlines some of the main considerations when growing cotton in a tropical environment.
This booklet was produced for the GVIA, Irrigation Australia and CottonInfo siphon-less irrigation field day, which took place in February 2019.
With biosecurity being a shared responsibility, it is important that researchers, extension officers and industry members take an active and key role in helping progress on-farm biosecurity conversations with growers as part of managing biosecurity risks.
On farm storages are the largest source of water loss on most irrigated farms.
This booklet was produced for CottonInfo's Optimising Irrigation and Nitrogen Researchers Tour, which took place in February 2018.
This fact sheet, from CottonInfo and myBMP's series of NRM best practice fact sheets, outlines the impact of native vegetation on integrated pest management (IPM).
This fact sheet addresses the issue of Helicoverpa survivors (larvae larger than 3mm) in Bt cotton fields, and control methods available to growers.
This short fast facts from CottonInfo outlines what researchers currently know about Alternaria leaf spot.
Storage maintenance and monitoring will help maximise efficiency and minimise the long term costs associated with on-farm storages.
This fact sheet outlines simple maintenance steps to ensure storages maintain their original shape and function.
A storage survey is essential for growers wanting accurate depth-to-volume, surface area and water volume measurements of their storage dams. This fact sheet outlines the methods for completing a storage survey.
During the 2015-16 season, CottonInfo's REOs conducted on-farm N trials across five cotton growing valleys.