Biodiversity Icon-test

This new section of the CottonInfo website provides biodiversity information for every Local Government Area (LGA) in Australian cotton growing regions. Biodiversity assets and priority management actions for threatened and iconic species are available for each LGA.

Select your LGA on the map to see your local information.

More information

This biodiversity data for cotton growing regions has been collated to help understand and prioritise the conservation value of areas of native vegetation within cotton landscapes (cotton farms plus a 5km buffer).

It has also identified priority areas and management actions to help restore these areas for the benefit of threatened and iconic species.

Growers interested in finding out if their farm has areas identified as priority zones for restoration should contact

Snapshot of our biodiversity assets:

  • The total extent of cotton properties mapped was 45,070 km² and total cotton landscapes 136,117 km²

  • 490 vegetation types were mapped across cotton landscapes, 348 of which occur on cotton properties. The most extensive vegetation types include Coolibah open woodland, Black Box open woodlands, Popular Box woodlands, and various grassland communities. River Red gum occurs along all the major rivers in the cotton landscape

  • Approximately 26 per cent of the cotton landscape and 21 per cent of the combined extent of all cotton properties retains a cover of remnant native vegetation

  • 50 per cent of cotton landscapes and 40 per cent of cotton properties exhibited native vegetation which is in ‘high’ or ‘moderate’ condition

  • 7,300km of major rivers and creeks and 10,480km of minor creeks flow through cotton properties. Of this, 627 km² of major rivers and creeks have riparian buffer which were at least 50m wide (with 75 per cent retained vegetation) and 195 km²  of minor creeks have a 20m wide riparian buffer (with 43 per cent retained vegetation)

Acknowledgements & copyright

The information presented here was compiled from the reports listed below and is covered by copyright. No part may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means except with the written permission of the Cotton Research and Development Corporation (CRDC):