The Review of Centre Pivot and Lateral Move irrigation installations in the Australian Cotton Industry report is a NSW DPI publication, funded by CRDC, that analyses 173 centre pivot and lateral move irrigation systems irrigating an area of 13,969 hectares.
A Review of Centre Pivot and Lateral Move Irrigation Installations in the Australian Cotton Industry
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) involves using all means of managing pest populations with the aim of reducing insecticide use while maintaining profitability, yield and fibre quality.
Managing Riparian Lands is a resource for people in the cotton industry to assist them in improving riparian land management on cotton farms.
Published: 2003.
The Farm Biosecurity Manual for the Cotton Industry outlines the recommended on farm biosecurity practices that aim to reduce the risk of pests.
Planting cotton as a rotational crop with winter cereals (often wheat) is common practice in the northern growing region.