In preparation for the upcoming cotton season, Crop Capsules are hosting seminars in Wee Waa, Moree, Goondiwindi, and St George in the first week of September (the dates are below).
The focus of these sessions is how mass-releasing the beneficial insect Eretmocerus hayati for the management of Silverleaf Whitefly (area wide), can be beneficial in a grower's pest management program. The sessions emphasize the importance of early releases and assist growers and agronomists in developing a capsule release program tailored to their specific farms.
We are hoping to have growers, agronomists and entomologists who have used mass releases for SLW suppression attend these sessions and share their insights on how it has worked for them across the farms they manage, including details such as timing of application, release rates, and other relevant factors.
If you could please share this with any growers or agronomists you know who might be interested, it would be greatly appreciated.
Interested people should RSVP to or scan the QR code in the flyer below
An afternoon snack will be provided at Wee Waa and Morning tea will be provided in the other sessions.
Wee Waa - Tues 3rd Sept @ Bowling club (3pm-5pm)
Moree - Wed 4th Sept @ Moree Services Club (8am-10am)
Goondiwindi - Thur 5th Sept @ Queenslander Hotel (8am -10am)
St George - Fri 6th Sept @ The Australian Hotel (8am-10am)