This month’s NRM tip is to help nature's workforce work for you by providing habitat.
The Cottoning on to the great outdoors: Nature's workforce booklet from CottonInfo contains information about some of the amazing flora and fauna found in our cotton communities, and how this natural workforce is providing benefits to our farms and regions.
One such 'natural worker' is the striated pardalote (pictured)- a very small short-tailed woodland bird species, which forages noisily for small insects in the tops of trees. Another is Australia’s iconic River Red Gum. River Red Gum communities, which are common along our rivers and creeks, provide habitat and food for a diversity of species such as microbats and sugar gliders, as well as a range of free environmental services such as habitat for crop pest predators, carbon sequestration, erosion control and salinity mitigation.
Meet the rest of nature's workforce
This blog is part of a year long program from CottonInfo, with the themes aligned with the 2019 CottonInfo cotton calendar. For more information, view the calendar, or contact the CottonInfo Technical Lead for Natural Resources, Stacey Vogel.