Dieback is a tree’s response to negative stress occurring within its environment. All trees are susceptible to dieback, a condition where trees die or decline in crown health prematurely and often rapidly. A noticeable decline in tree health in agricultural regions, including cotton landscapes across Australia has occurred recently. Many factors contribute to tree dieback – these can be natural, related to land management, or a combination of both. In most cases where widespread dieback is occurring it is not one stress but a combination of stresses that is causing the decline and or death of trees.
With increasing value being placed on biodiversity as a vital part of sustainable agriculture, it is important that land managers have tools available to assist them identify threats and risks to biodiversity on their farm, as well as best management recommendations to mitigate them.
This guide - produced by CottonInfo, UNE and the North West Local Land Services - outlines several causes of dieback within Australian cotton landscapes as well as tips for identification and best practice recommendations for the management and prevention of dieback.