This fact sheet outlines CottonInfo - who we are, what we do, and how you can contact us. 

System capacity is the most important design criterion for centre pivot and lateral move (CPLM) systems. This fact sheet walks through the calculation of system capacity in centre pivot (CP) systems.

Northern Australia is characterised by its highly variable rainfall patterns, influenced by a range of complex climatic systems. For agricultural practices, especially in cotton farming understanding these precipitation dynamics is essential.

Many overseas insects and diseases pose a significant threat to Australian cotton production.

If new pests find their way to Australia, early detection and reporting is key to their successful eradication.

Hard to control fallow weeds: residual herbicides, new herbicide tolerance traits & what role they can play.

Learn more in this Fact Sheet developed by CottonInfo's Technical Lead for Weeds, Eric Koetz.

Pre-emergent (residual) herbicides are becoming increasingly important in weed control strategies in southern NSW.

This fact sheet highlights the factors to consider when planning a pre-emergent herbicide program, specifically in the southern NSW context.

One key method to improve fertiliser recovery and reduce losses is using Enhanced Efficiency Fertilisers (EEF). EEFs contain a physical or chemical barrier that delays the release of nutrients into the surrounding environment.

Pre-emergent (residual) herbicides are becoming increasingly important in weed control strategies in Central Queensland.

Ramularia leaf spot (RLS; grey mildew) in tropical cotton is a foliar disorder caused by Ramulariopsis sp.

Rapid population growth of silverleaf whitefly (SLW) can occur from mid season onwards, particularly when natural enemies have been disrupted by insecticides.

This fact sheet developed for CottonInfo by Ag Econ offers insights into how yield maps can be used to improve enterprise profitability.

Download your copy:

Gross Margin risk analysis: Water Use Efficiency.