Managing biodiversity in our cotton 'landscapes'
Maranoa local government area
Area of cotton landscape:
119,200 ha
Area of cotton properties:
19,700 ha
Area of remnant vegetation in the cotton landscape:
23,600 ha (20%)
Area of remnant vegetation on cotton properties:
2,820 ha (14%)
Area of threatened ecological communities in the cotton landscape:
7,690 ha (33%)
Area of threatened ecological communities on cotton properties:
890 ha (32%)
Area of priority zones for native vegetation restoration and enhancement:
3,080 ha
Area of priority zones for vegetation:
2,560 ha
Main vegetation types on cotton properties:
Silver-leaved Ironbark woodlands, White Cypress woodlands, Coolibah woodlands, Brigalow woodlands.
Main threatened ecological communities on cotton properties:
Brigalow (Acacia harpophylla dominant and co-dominant) (E).
Coolibah-Black Box woodland of the Brigalow Belt South and Darling Riverine Plains bioregions (Cth: E).
Named wetlands in the cotton landscape:
no named wetlands.
Area of wetlands in the cotton landscape:
8,840 ha (7%)
Area of wetlands in the cotton properties:
1,910 ha (10%)
Length of major rivers in the cotton landscape:
166 km
Length of major rivers on cotton properties:
52 km
Length of minor water courses in the cotton landscape:
543 km
Length of minor streams on cotton properties:
78 km
Main rivers in the cotton landscape:
Balonne River, Condamine River, Dogwood Creek, Murilla Creek, Tartulla Creek, Yalebone Creek, Yuleba Creek.
Area of national park in the cotton landscape:
0 ha
Area of state forests in the cotton landscape:
33 ha
Area of travelling stock routes in the cotton landscape:
2,990 ha
Examples of public land reserves in the cotton landscape: Yuleba State Forest.
Examples of iconic species in the cotton landscape:
Animals: Major Mitchell's Cockatoo, Squatter Pigeon, Eastern Blue-tongue Lizard, Frill-necked Lizard, Shingleback, Yellow-belly.
Plants: Brigalow, Carbeen, Queensland Bottletree.
Examples of threatened species in the cotton landscape:
Animals: Squatter Pigeon (V), Adorned Delma (V), Common Death Adder (Q), Dunmall's Snake (V), Major Mitchell's Cockatoo (N,Q), Rufous Fantail (M), Squatter Pigeon (V), Yakka Skink (V).
Plants: Belson's Panic (V), Coolabah Bertya (V), Cymbonotus maidenii (Q), Fimbristylis vagans (Q), Eucalyptus virens (V).