Managing biodiversity in our cotton 'landscapes'
Dubbo/Gilgandra local government area
Area of cotton landscape:
82,700 ha
Area of cotton properties:
8,730 ha
Area of remnant vegetation in the cotton landscape:
12,800 ha (15%)
Area of remnant vegetation on cotton properties:
970 ha (11%)
Area of threatened ecological communities in the cotton landscape:
5,670 ha (44%)
Area of threatened ecological communities on cotton properties:
530 ha (55%)
Area of priority zones for native vegetation restoration and enhancement:
200 ha
Area of priority zones for vegetation:
880 ha
Main vegetation types on cotton properties:
Native grasslands, Buloke woodlands, Belah woodlands, White Box - Yellow Box woodlands.
Main threatened ecological communities on cotton properties:
White Box-Yellow Box-Blakely's Red Gum grassy woodland and derived native grassland (CE).
Named wetlands in the cotton landscape:
Boebung Swamp, Gewah Cowal, Nalliara Lagoon.
Area of wetlands in the cotton landscape:
250 ha (0.3%)
Area of wetlands in the cotton properties:
50 ha (0.6%)
Length of major rivers in the cotton landscape:
76 km
Length of major rivers on cotton properties:
20 km
Length of minor water courses in the cotton landscape:
215 km
Length of minor streams on cotton properties:
20 km
Main rivers in the cotton landscape:
Castlereagh River, Macquarie River, Coolbaggie Creek, Marthaguy Creek.
Area of national park in the cotton landscape:
0 ha
Area of state forests in the cotton landscape:
65 ha
Area of travelling stock routes in the cotton landscape:
191 ha
Examples of public land reserves in the cotton landscape: Berida State Forest.
Examples of iconic species in the cotton landscape:
Animals: Common Brushtail Possum, Duck-billed Platypus, Eastern Grey Kangaroo, Short-beaked Echidna, Black-fronted Dotterel, Magpie Goose, Southern Boobook, Tawny Frogmouth, Willie Wagtail, Lace Monitor, Sand Goanna.
Plants: River Red Gum.
Examples of threatened species in the cotton landscape:
Animals: New Holland Mouse (V), Large-eared Pied Bat (V), Little Pied Bat (N), Barking Owl (N), Brown Treecreeper (N), Bush Stone-curlew (N), Hooded Robin (N), Scarlet Robin (N), Square-tailed Kite (N), Superb Parrot (V), Southern Purple Spotted Gudgeon (N).
Plants: Small Purple-pea (E), Austrostipa wakoolica (E), Commersonia procumbens (V), Homoranthus darwinioides (V), Philotheca ericifolia (V).