Managing biodiversity in our cotton 'landscapes'
Cobar/Bogan local government area
Area of cotton landscape:
64,800 ha
Area of cotton properties:
4,610 ha
Area of remnant vegetation in the cotton landscape:
37,000 ha (57%)
Area of remnant vegetation on cotton properties:
630 ha (14%)
Area of threatened ecological communities in the cotton landscape:
20,300 ha (55%)
Area of threatened ecological communities on cotton properties:
370 ha (59%)
Area of priority zones for native vegetation restoration and enhancement:
1,680 ha
Area of priority zones for vegetation:
1,650 ha
Main vegetation types on cotton properties:
Black Box woodlands, Lignum shrublands, Chenopod shrublands, River Red Gum forests.
Main threatened ecological communities on cotton properties:
Coolibah-Black Box woodland of the Brigalow Belt South and Darling Riverine Plains bioregions (E) Lowland Lachlan River aquatic ecological community (N).
Named wetlands in the cotton landscape:
Bimbalingel Waterhole.
Area of wetlands in the cotton landscape:
4,090 ha (6%)
Area of wetlands in the cotton properties:
200 ha (4%)
Length of major rivers in the cotton landscape:
128 km
Length of major rivers on cotton properties:
34 km
Length of minor water courses in the cotton landscape:
105 km
Length of minor streams on cotton properties:
20 km
Main rivers in the cotton landscape:
Lachlan River, Booberoi Creek.
Area of national park in the cotton landscape:
16,346 ha
Area of state forests in the cotton landscape:
0 ha
Area of travelling stock routes in the cotton landscape:
2,192 ha
Examples of public land reserves in the cotton landscape: Murrin Bridge Aboriginal Land, Nombinnie Nature Reserve.
Examples of iconic species in the cotton landscape:
Animals: Australian Bustard, Barking Owl Black-breasted Buzzard, Brolga, Gilbert’s Whistler (N), Red-lored Whistler (V), Grey Falcon, Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo (N,Q), Shy Heathwren (N), Southern Scrub-robin (N), Thick-billed Grasswren (N), Marble-faced Delma (N), Western Blue-tongue Lizard.
Plants: River Red Gum.
Examples of threatened species in the cotton landscape:
Animals: Kultarr (N), Inland Forest Bat (N), Australian Bustard (N), Chestnut Quail-thrush (N), Grey Falcon (N), Malleefowl (V), Rainbow Bee-eater (M), Darling River Snail (N), Western population of Olive Perchlet (N).
Plants: Coolabah Bertya (V), Greenhood Orchid (N), Winged Peppercress (E), Atriplex infrequens (V).