What do koalas, the Fitzroy river turtle and the southern bell frog have in common? They're just three of the iconic Australian species found on or near our cotton farms. 

A fantastic new resource has just been launched on our CottonInfo website, showcasing the biodiversity information for every local cotton growing area.

By choosing your local government area (LGA) on our clickable map, you'll see a snapshot of the biodiversity that exists in your area: the iconic plant and animal species in your region, and the threatened ones.

The map then suggests simple things you can do on your farm to help conserve the biodiversity, and protect these important species. There are general management actions across all regions - things like routine control of weeds and feral animals, preventing stock from grazing on riverbanks, and revegetation to increase native vegetation - plus priority management actions specifically for your local area.  

The map provides a great resource to help you manage the important biodiversity on and near your cotton farm. 

Visit the Biodiversity Map


Some cool stats:

  • The map covers over 136,000km² of cotton landscapes (cotton farms plus a 5km buffer) and 45,000km² of cotton farms.
  • It includes 490 vegetation types - 348 of which occur on cotton farms.
  • Around 26 per cent of the cotton landscape is remnant native vegetation.
  • 50 per cent of cotton landscapes and 40 per cent of cotton farms have native vegetation in ‘high’ or ‘moderate’ condition.
  • 7,300km of major rivers and creeks and 10,480km of minor creeks flow through cotton farms.

For more information: visit the biodiversity map and get exploring, or contact our CottonInfo natural resources technical lead, Stacey Vogel