December 2024
At this time of year, many would be considering managing vegetative growth of their cotton crop. Mepiquat chloride is a growth regulator used to manage excessive vegetative growth of cotton crops. However, there can be positive or negative effects associated with its use.
Last season, grower/consultant-led research trials overseen by Katie Broughton (CSIRO) and supported by CRDC and the CSD Richard Williams Initiative, aimed to develop a better understanding of crop growth and productivity responses to mepiquat strategies across several cotton regions. The trials were hosted on four farms to demonstrate the effects of various alternative early season mepiquat chloride application strategies on cotton growth and yield.
Key research questions raised by co-operating growers and consultants included:
How early and “hard” should we apply mepiquat chloride?
Is there a difference in varieties and how we should use mepiquat chloride?
Application timings varied from early squaring to mid flowering, depending on individual locations and treatments chosen by co-operating growers and consultants.
Access the full Trial Update here to read more on experiment details for grower/consultant supported investigations of early use of mepiquat chloride.