As of mid-December 2022, spray drift has been reported in a number of cotton regions. With harvest almost done and fallow sprays in the coming weeks it is critical we do what we can to prevent any further spray drift across all valleys.
With thanks to CottonInfo Regional Extension Officers, an update and resource PDF has been compiled for cotton grower reference.
The December 2022 Spray Drift Update and Resources document includes:
- The 5 Commandments to preventing spray drift
- The importance of mapping crops on SataCrop
- The importance of notifying neighbours of cropping intentions
- The latest on the Weather and Networked Data (WAND) System - and how you can be involved
- Information on Stop Off Target Spraying Groups (NSW)
- Videos to view and share
- What's in the pipeline for drift prevention
- Other resources
Please access as necessary and don't hesitate to contact your local REO for more information or guidance.