CottonInfo, the Australian cotton industry’s joint extension program, has announced that a new Regional Development Officer, Annabel Twine, will be joining the team.

Annabel will provide the latest research outcomes and findings direct to cotton growers, consultants and the wider cotton industry in the Darling Downs.

Annabel brings extensive experience to the CottonInfo team, having worked in agriculture for twenty years, including six years with Queensland Cotton and 13 years with Bayer CropScience covering the Downs and the McIntyre and Balonne Valleys.

Annabel already has a strong relationship with growers, consultants and resellers in the area, having developed and delivered training on product use and run on-farm demonstration trials, and will bring these skills into the Regional Development Officer role with CottonInfo.

“Annabel brings a passion for agriculture, knowledge of the cotton industry and existing networks to the role of Regional Development Officer,” said Philip Armytage, General Manager - Development & Communications at Cotton Seed Distributors Ltd, one of the three joint partners in the CottonInfo venture.

“Annabel’s role will be to connect the Downs growers with relevant industry research and best practice, supporting them to continue to increase their farm productivity.

“On behalf of the CottonInfo joint venture partners, we welcome Annabel to the team. We also thank former Darling Downs Regional Development Officer, John Smith, for his work in this role since CottonInfo’s inception,” Philip said.

CottonInfo is a joint initiative of Cotton Seed Distributors (CSD), the Cotton Research and Development Corporation (CRDC) and Cotton Australia. It is a unique industry partnership that aims to communicate the outcomes of research, encourage grower adoption and improve industry practices.

Annabel joins the 20-strong CottonInfo team, which includes her fellow on-the-ground regional development officers across the cotton growing valleys, researchers who are technical specialists in their specific fields and myBMP best management practice support staff.

Annabel, whose role is funded by CSD, will start with the CottonInfo team in early November. 

Click here to download the media release